http://bespokeinvest.typepad.com ... -back-below-30.html
VIX Back Below 30
After settling nicely below the 30 level for about a week, the S&P 500 Volatility Index (VIX) jumped back above 30 earlier this week. Today, however, the VIX has dropped significantly below 30 once again down to 28.36. Earlier in the day it was down even more, but even as the market has moved back to flat, the VIX is still down quite a bit. As long as the VIX continues its downtrend, fears in the market are subsiding.
http://bespokeinvest.typepad.com ... 5712ff46a970b-400wi
我个人对此的解读,大盘还要往上冲一冲。 |