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is that a coincidence or a conspiracy referring to recent stock rally

发表于 2009-6-2 05:24 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

The recent stock soaring trend has believed to be an indicator of economic recovery.  Though the stock market was against so many  odds , but surprisingly, it  managed to climb to the absolute maximum in the May. Whatever bad or negative news can be retranslated or reiterated as  the good news to the public  through the medias and by the U.S. government.  "... better than expected" is the most frequent phrase used by the medias to soothe the public's nerve,   from GM bankruptcy to the record high mortagage deliquency are all quoted as positive sign of an economic comeback.

To my understanding, the obvious market manipulation(low volumes and irrational stock rallies) is not only a reflection of market's momentum itself , also is mainly served to coordinate  the mission of Geithners' trip to china so as to show the Chinese government a strong sign of American economic rebound and to persuade Chinese government to extend their continuous buy of US debt because Chinese government's action on the us debt will be the signal to the rest of the world as well. I rather call this as a fully and well carved conspiracy.

Geitherner is a scheme artist. He holds Chinese government as a hostage in order to proceed his Ponzi scheme because US has no other options but keeps the game going, which needs fresh blood to kick in.  Before the game is over. chinese government seems to be his last backup that he can rely on to borrow from Peter to pay Paul. If Chinese government is smart enough not to repeat the same mistake of increasing the holdings of  gigantic amount of us government debt, China certainly can get out of this economic mess much quickly.

If the chinese government is wise enough to dump the US debt, which will corner the US to the brink of bankruptcy. The cost to China? the risk of depreciation of 700 billion dollars of foreign reserve, but the payback is significant by bringing down the US from the superpower of the world to the Russia Second and most importantly free China from the leash that reins China since the first day of accumulation of huge american debt.  If the China government doesn't have guts to give it a shot, at least, I expect that the Chinese government can exploit this opportunity as a leverage to defer the US from intervening in China's interests in the South China Sea. We can seize this this chance to reclaim all the islands in the southern sea once in for all. On the one hand, China government can negotiate with the US about buying american debt,  on the other hand, China government can take action and wage the war to reclaim the disputed islands. Of course, how the China government  finds a good excuse and  initiates the war is the technical part.

overall, O8 administration is a big time gambler. O8 himself has a faith that the only way to keep the ball rolling is to print money and have foreign countries to pay off. If it does work out, US will still hold the superpower for ...how long? who knows, but one sure thing is that they will continue to overspend Chinese hard working money  and indulge themselves in consuming Chinese cheap products. On the top of that, they will pose themselves arrogantly as a life savior to China by showing a large scale of trade deficit to China with borrowing the money from China to import Chinese low cost goods. What a joke! I hope that China government is not a big time sucker! and let's see what is the outcome of the Geithner's trip.
发表于 2009-6-2 05:34 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2009-6-2 05:34 PM | 显示全部楼层
If you are O8, what can you do? stimulate economics.
With what? money.

Everyone does the same as O8.

I think China leaders are fully aware of the issue, you do not see china sends tons of delegates to other countries to negotiate buying all kinds of materials.

Give you example, even in yesterday's Air France accident, there were 6 guys working on buying irons from Brazil.
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2009-6-2 05:35 PM | 显示全部楼层
Cobra 发表于 2009-6-2 18:34

中国政府 smarter than you think.
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2009-6-2 05:36 PM | 显示全部楼层
中国政府 smarter than you think.
dara 发表于 2009-6-2 18:35

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发表于 2009-6-2 05:38 PM | 显示全部楼层
Cobra 发表于 2009-6-2 18:36

Hu graduated from Qing Hua, he is as smart as anyone.

I have friends in China recently went to South America and Australia to buy materials too.
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2009-6-2 05:45 PM | 显示全部楼层
中国政府 smarter than you think.
dara 发表于 2009-6-2 14:35

i bet中国政府花多少钱都愿意
so the market will crash after 64
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-2 06:14 PM | 显示全部楼层
If you are O8, what can you do? stimulate economics.
With what? money.

Everyone does the same as O8.

dara 发表于 2009-6-2 18:34

I believe there is a will there is a way. what O8 does is put the life of the world economy on the line. I do have a piece of "green advice" that may get america out of the mess without risking and sacrificing america and other countries' economic future.  I just need to wait the right time because everybody believes that america will come out of woods soon. ....
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-2 06:16 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 仁者深潜 于 2009-6-2 19:19 编辑
Cobra 发表于 2009-6-2 18:34

回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2009-6-3 12:01 AM | 显示全部楼层
i bet中国政府花多少钱都愿意
so the market will crash after 64

javamood 发表于 2009-6-2 17:45

agree, be careful after 6/4
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2009-6-3 01:19 AM | 显示全部楼层
I believe there is a will there is a way. what O8 does is put the life of the world economy on the line. I do have a piece of "green advice" that may get america out of the mess without risking an ...
仁者深潜 发表于 2009-6-2 19:14

how? I am interested to know.

If I was O8, I would do exactly the same thing as he does right now.
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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