I am for some of the Government's initiatives, but enough is enough. Did anyone see Dr. Pepper Snapple yesterday? The stock fell hard and fast.
I will be the first to tell you that I am not that involved in politics. I always thought the job of the President of The United States of America was to run the Country, keep us safe and be involved with foreign affairs.
Since when does the President have to be on television daily and get involved with everything? The President's office is turning our country into a socialist society and hand cuffing innovation, and in the long run, we will suffer for this.
I would normally never send an email out like this, but I had enough.
Did anyone see Dr. Pepper Snapple's stock price today?
At 3:30 or so DPS (Dr. Pepper Snapple) fell 10%. Why? There was a rumor that the Government needs to raise money for everyone they are bailing out, and they may start to tax sweet drinks. Now whether this will happen or not I have no clue, but the thought of it makes me very angry.
Some of you are businessmen/woman, when you made a bad mistake did you ever get bailed out? The Government is picking and choosing who to bailout, and who is going to pay for these bailout's? We are, WE ARE !!! I do not want to pay for someone elses mistakes, why should I.
Is bailing out everyone better? I do not think so. Let's take an example, lets look at Dr. Pepper Snapple. If the Government starts to tax sweet drinks what will happen? Dr. Pepper will make less money, as less people will use their product. When they make less money, they need to lay people off. When they lay people off, unemployment goes up. Those people that are laid off at Dr. Pepper, spend less, default on payments, do not fix their cars up, do not travel, etc. Now the things that those people used to do, and are no longer, starts to affect other people. And so on and so on.
The point is, if the Government would stop spending tax payer money and let more companies go bankrupt, yes the short run could be ugly, but now the long term will be uglier.
Stock market corrections, although painful, are healthy. When a company that is not doing well, or makes bad mistakes goes out of business, new companies are born to fill the void. Innovation is born and we benefit from the new vision. If companies do not go out of business, innovation does not take place.
I am a strong believer that what is going to be is going to be. The economy will get to wherever it is going, and by doing what the Government is doing now, it will just take longer for the economy to bottom out.
In the end, it is going to be the masses that will be left paying for other people's mistakes, and not the people who made the mistakes. |