炒股我是new hand, 但买房已10年。我住new york, 只买multifamily houses,mixuse,commercial, no condo,no coop,我指的是invest。自住的话,有条件的当然选好学区的one single family。
invest in real estate 最重要的是;
俺家的houses, 几呼每一栋的满座rate都在95%以上。通常在记算annual return时,要算进25% 的空屋rate。这可以算是beat 大盘了。
2,then only buy the houses that have positive cash flow!
from 1999-2003,i kept buying,in 2006,我用1031exchange 和 primary house 的 tax 上的好处lock了一些pofit,so far,i am still a happy landlord,当然房东有房东的反恼,especially in new york。就看你会不会处理了。另外,我还有一个timeshare在disney,不想玩的时侯rent it out online。
另一边,我的401k,529 education fund,ira,brokerage acct down 30-50%,单是我自几抄的acct,i lost $100,000 last year。
但my houses value average down了 10%。but as long as i stay at sideline,i lose nothing, i have positive cash flow,i could wait for the next house booming,by the way, i dont even want to sell,they are my ATM。