先谢谢 Oldfairy 的转贴。
可惜那是周一的图,原图又没有注明日期,为了避免HTers confusion,冒昧新开了一帖,当回李鬼,绝无混钻抢顶的意思。我只找到一个周二的数据。 今天的没有。
Yesterday (Mon 11, 2009, NB by犮不戒) , we discussed how professional investors watch the volume of Advancing and/or Declining shares every day.
From Monday's data, we produced the following chart on Tuesday. Basically, there were 2 exchanges in net selling, 1 neutral, and 1 into buying.
Now let's go to the second chart below and see what happened yesterday ...
Chart 2 ...
Yesterday(Tue 12, 2009, NB by犮不戒,) we had discussed that the NYSE was really important because it was the exchange where most of the Institutional trading volume occurs. We had noted that most of the share volume on the NYSE was declining, indicating that the large investors were selling.
Now, let us look at what happened yesterday ...
As you can see on the chart, two exchanges shifted resulting in all 4 exchanges selling more than buying. The NYSE did a little less selling than on Tuesday, but they were still in Net Selling. Profit taking was on the rise yesterday. |