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[转贴] The Real Memo Out Of The Bureau Of Lies And Statistics

发表于 2009-5-8 01:14 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

本帖最后由 maserati 于 2009-5-8 14:10 编辑

Posted by Tyler Durden at 9:52 AM
"We're leveling off! We're leveling off!"—so is the hope of TTT, Helicopter Ben, Larry the Wall Street Lackey and the rest of Team Obama. "This recession is leveling off!"

No it's not: The unemployment figures just released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics are totally cosmetic: We lost a whole lot more than 531,000 unemployed.

First, the "seasonal adjustment", which is a black box that can tweek me into looking like Dumbo the flying elephant. They're knocking off ±65,000 workers for no clearly discernible reason.
Second, notice that the Census Bureau hired 60,000 people last month. Those workers (by definition) are temporary, and are a net cost to the economy, as they will not be adding marginal utility to any economic sector, the census being merely a social expenditure.

Those two items alone turn 530,000 new unemployed into 655,000.

Now notice how, once again, previous months' figures have been readjusted. This time, the readjustments weren't so bad—a mere 30,000 more unemployed in February, turning that month's official totals to 681,000, and another 30,000 for March, making that month's official number 699,000, just shy of that magic 700,000 monthly number (BTW, remember back in the good old days when 300,000 monthly unemployed was"shocking"?)

But notice too: When those more realistic numbers were released, the markets were more or less copacetic—at least they weren't nervously contemplating another suicidal round of cliff-diving, as we currently are. Ever since the October '08 release of Sept. '08 unemployment, when arguably the BLS numbers had a role in triggering the sell-off of that very nasty month, the unemployment numbers have been generally rosy whenever there's been general nervousness in the markets around the time of the number's release. I know this sounds crazy-man paranoid, but bear with me: Every time the markets have been nervous,the BLS numbers look pretty good, or at least not that bad, relatively speaking—and then the next month the figures are very quietly revised, sometimes by as much as 35% on the upward side.

I will bet one double Quarter Pounder with cheese and bacon that next month, the revisions of the April numbers will be on the order of an additional 85,000 unemployed. My guess is that, discounting the Census Bureau hirings, April saw 680,000 newly unemployed workers.

That would mean that unemployment isn't accelerating—but it's still growing fast enough to scare the hell out of anyone sane. And anyway, what industry or sector of the economy will be able to absorb all of those unemployed workers in the near-term future?

Now wait for May and especially June numbers, when 2 million new college grads can't find steady work.

This baby ain't over yet.

Here is the link to DOL official release (PDF file at the bottom)

发表于 2009-5-8 01:16 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-5-8 01:18 PM | 显示全部楼层
Thanks for your post.
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-5-8 01:27 PM | 显示全部楼层
All the smart boys know this, but they don't want you think this way, until they are ready.

Before that, they really want to talk about the good part to make more money.
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-5-8 01:42 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-8 02:21 PM | 显示全部楼层
I just read the file. On page 2 it shows 77,000 increase in government sector. On page 4  it says "Employment in Federal government rose by 66,000 over the month largely due to the hiring of temporary workers for Census 2010 preparatory work." I have a friend whose wife just hired for this 2010 census temp work. She didn't even get paid yet but I guess she made her share of contribution to make April's payroll number look better.
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

使用道具 举报

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