Cobra “明天高开,等于是给熊熊送钱。" --- I benefited from this today. Thanks Cobra
Coolmax "我自己的操作会更多注重个股 .... LINTA Bull Flag" ----- If you followed, 10%+ gain today
恐慌小猪 “逢低买入,逢高short呀“ --- My friend followed this rule, he gain 3K out of 50K today. 5.5% gain
meow: "shorted SSO over 24.xx" --- 我后悔没多跟点. Thanks meow.
sweettomato: "这两天大盘走势看起来很强,守得也稳。但是这反而使我减弱了短期大盘在一个短波低后再做2 周左右涨势的可能性。。。除非月底前后立马去820。。。" --- 看来和Coolmax的"200天均线可能不会碰了" on the same boat.
April 28
Yager: "今天不可能大跌。如果小跌,明天要涨。如果小涨,明天还可能涨。...,收盘时候坚决对冲!" --- As result, April 29, market high for whole day... I wanted to follow at that time, I regret I did not ....
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