发表于 2009-4-24 04:11 PM
本帖最后由 diaqqqq 于 2009-4-24 17:21 编辑
It looks more and more likely that Bears could get one final lethal dose. This market is crazy, as it is not driven up by buyers but by short covering instead. That might explain why this market keeps going up, no matter the news is good or bad, as bad could be explained as good or not too bad or better than expected. But eventually there will be an ending to all these bullshits.
However too many bears from HUTONG and DAQIAN right now, so the honeymoon time for Bears simply is not arriving yet...
MM's strategy against Bears will simply be scaring the shit out of Bears so they dare not short any more or have the habit to cover right after some tiny profit. And they will make Bulls get so comfortable with buying dips like “温水煮青蛙”。Then one day this market gaps down huge (Bears dare not chase, Bulls no chance to get out) and will never turn its head any more till new low made. |