1. the weakest bank is citi. if all 19 banks pass, No one care how to
April 18 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. Treasury and financial regulators are
clashing with each other over how to disclose results from the stress tests
of 19 U.S. banks, with some officials concerned at potential damage to
weaker institutions.
2. Probably Citi need more Money. therefore they do not finish conversion
which announced in Feb.
Citi said Friday that the conversion, which had been scheduled to take place
this month, will be delayed until regulators complete their stress tests on
the 19 biggest U.S. banks. Results are expected by early May.
Probably MET is not good too.
The 19 firms include Citigroup Inc., Bank of America Corp., JPMorgan Chase &
Co., Goldman Sachs Group Inc., GMAC LLC and MetLife Inc. and other
commercial, trust and regional banks.
Citi said Friday that the conversion, which had been scheduled to take place
this month, will be delayed until regulators complete their stress tests on
the 19 biggest U.S. banks. Results are expected by early May.