"7.0.2 SPX and CPC Divergence Watch,这个是大家明天要注意的重点,如果明天大盘涨,CPC还涨的话,要注意套利,周五pullback的可能性非常大。"
Ban Zhang, is there a place to get real time data of CPC and CPCE? Is CPCE real time data useful or we have to wait at the end of market to get the real data?
Your invention (2.8.1) is really convincing, do you think it's good to put more weight on this chart than on other indicators?
wisgo 发表于 2009-4-16 15:42
I've already put more weight on this. 但是所有indicator都是一阵灵,一阵不灵的,所以现在有用,不代表以后有用。俺是一般用到开始不灵的时候为止。