本帖最后由 匪兵甲 于 2012-3-12 22:33 编辑
每天早上送豌豆去pre-school的路上, 总有很多故事...今天早上的特别好笑, 写下来, 大家乐乐...
晴朗的早晨,天空清爽地蓝着, 豌豆心情很好, 蹦跳着上了车. 在去pre-school的路上, 看见几只鸟在树枝上嘻戏, 豌豆被逗乐了, 格格地笑着说:
“The birds are happy!”
妈妈应道: “Yes, honey, they are happy, just like you…”.
爸爸只是笑, 没说话. 豌豆一定要爸爸也说点什么, 坚持道:”Daddy! … I said the birds are happy!” 爸爸没办法, 爸爸总是没办法, 摇摇头笑着说:”Yes, they are happy, sweet pea, they are happy…”
然后豌豆就说开了:”They are talking to each other… I think they are having a party!...I think they need some balloons(我们正经过一家动物诊所, 门口挂了许多汽球, 还有一块画有Snoopy的小旗 ) , but Snoopy won’t be there…”
妈妈: “ Oh, really? I think Snoopy likes parties?”
豌豆:”Yes he does, but still, he won't be there, I'm telling ya... "
妈妈:"Then why?"
豌豆:"…cos (Because - 跟她爹学的) he wants to stay in my house, and play with the toys!” (说完对着妈妈抬了抬下巴, 似乎在说"Don't you big people know anything?" ...而且她总爱说”My house”)
妈妈:”Oh, the toys!…”
爸爸:"Yeap, the toys, can't forget about them!"
豌豆:”I don’t think they drive …”
豌豆: “ The birds, of course!” (两手一摊, 小肩膀一耸, 两眼戏剧性地往上一翻)
爸爸从后视镜里看见了, 使劲憋住笑,没说话.
豌豆:“...they always fly, ohhhhshu…ohhhhshu…(两只手臂忽扇着, 学鸟飞)… but I don’t think they ever drive…”
妈妈问:”How do you know? Maybe they do drive once in a while. ”
豌豆:”No, they don’t! Do you know why?”
豌豆:”Cos they don’t have cars! …(格格地笑起来…) Mommy, you are so silly!”
爸爸大笑起来, 妈妈被豌豆贬的时候, 爸爸总是很快乐. 这个妈妈理解, 要允许穷人喝稀饭.
妈妈:”Oh, …ahhhh…that makes sense...”
豌豆:”…and they can’t anyway. Do you know why?”
妈妈爸爸这次都很好奇,齐声问: “Why?”
豌豆:” Cos they don’t have hands!...(夸张地大叹一声气 – 跟奶奶学的 - 然后说了个把我们都雷翻了的字… )…Bo~~ring!)