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[灌水] 纽约时报广场爆炸案详情:手法非常业余

发表于 2010-5-2 07:17 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

新京报    2010-05-02 13:29:28

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  这辆深绿色日产牌运动型多功能车内无人,停在第45街位于第七大道和第八大道之间的路段,靠近百老汇大街,发动机处于运行状态,应急灯闪亮…… 骑警赶到后,除确认车后排坐椅旁冒出白烟,还闻到火药味,因而呼叫在附近巡逻的同事,向纽约消防局和拆弹小组请求支援。一名“热狗”摊贩晚些时候告诉美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)记者,车辆冒烟几分钟后,他明显听到一声爆炸,周围的人吓得逃跑,场景“确实吓人”。

  警方判断车内可能藏有爆炸装置,立即组织疏散附近人员,陆续封闭位于第六大道至第八大道、第44街至第49街之间的街区。密尔沃基市游客凯蒂· 纽鲍尔和贝卡·桑德斯看到“大量人群从现场方向跑来”。桑德斯说:“太多人,太多警察,我从未见过相似场景。”



  纽约警务副专员保罗·J·布朗说,拆弹小组在车内发现黑色火药、两桶5加仑容量桶装汽油、3个烧烤时常用的丙烷气罐以及两个闹钟。闹钟连有导线、装有电池,显然是计时装置。布朗说,接到报警时,简易爆炸装置“显然已处于引爆过程,但发生故障”。纽约警务专员雷蒙德·W·凯利说,尽管爆炸物只是 “消费级别礼花弹”,但足以引发火灾,对周边百老汇戏院、餐厅和游客密集的街区构成严重危害。




 楼主| 发表于 2010-5-2 07:19 PM | 显示全部楼层
NYPD: Video has possible SUV bomb suspect in alley

By TOM HAYS and DEEPTI HAJELA, Associated Press Writers Tom Hays And Deepti Hajela, Associated Press Writers   – 7 mins ago

NEW YORK – Police investigating a terror attack that could have set off a deadly fireball in Times Square focused Sunday on finding a man who was videotaped shedding his shirt near the SUV where the bomb was found.

Police said the gasoline-and-propane bomb was crude but could have sprayed shrapnel and metal parts with enough force to kill pedestrians and knock out windows on one of America's busiest streets, full of Broadway theaters and restaurants on a Saturday night.

More than 100 pounds of fertilizer rigged with wires and fireworks were found with the bomb, but police said it was not the ammonium nitrate grade that can explode.

The surveillance video shows an unidentified white man in his 40s slipping down an alley and taking off a shirt, revealing another underneath. In the same clip, he's seen looking back in the direction of the smoking vehicle and furtively putting the first shirt in a bag, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said.

The homemade bomb was made largely with ordinary items, including three barbecue grill-size propane tanks, two 5-gallon gasoline containers, store-bought fireworks and cheap alarm clocks attached to wires.

"The intent of whoever did this to cause mayhem, create casualties," Kelly said.

Authorities didn't know how deadly the bomb could have been, how it failed or who was responsible.

Police had already identified the registered owner of the 1993 Nissan Pathfinder — which didn't have an easily visible vehicle identification number and had license plates from another car — and were looking to interview him. Police also were searching more video, believed to be in the possession of a Pennsylvania tourist, of the man in the alley.

The bomb at Times Square, one of the flashiest and best-known places on Earth, was found at the height of dinner hour before theatergoers headed to Saturday night shows.

Timers were connected to a 16-ounce can filled with fireworks, which were apparently intended to set the gas cans and propane afire, Kelly said.

He said the bomb "looks like it would have caused a significant fireball" had it fully detonated. He said the vehicle would have been "cut in half" by an explosion and people nearby could have been sprayed by shrapnel and killed.

Police had feared that another component — a metal rifle cabinet packed with more than 100 pounds of a fertilizer-like substance and rigged with wires and more fireworks — could have made the device even more devastating. Test results late Sunday showed that it was indeed fertilizer — but not a type volatile enough to explode like the ammonium nitrate grade fertilizer used in previous terror attacks, said police spokesman Paul Browne.

The city's busiest streets, choked with taxis and people on one of the first summer-like days of the year, were shut down for 10 hours, unnerving thousands of tourists attending Broadway show, museums and other city sights. Detectives took the stage at the end of some of shows to announce to theatergoers that they were looking for witnesses in a bombing attempt.

"No more New York," said Crysta Salinas. The 28-year-old Houston woman was stuck waiting in a deli until 2 a.m. because part of a Marriott hotel was evacuated because of the bomb.

A Pakistani Taliban group claimed responsibility for the failed attack in a 1-minute video. Kelly, however, said police have no evidence to support the claims, and noted that the same group had falsely taken credit for previous attacks on U.S. soil. The commissioner also cast doubt on an e-mail to a news outlet claiming responsibility.

The New York Police Department and FBI were also examining "hundreds of hours" of security videotape from around Times Square, Kelly said.

Police released a photograph of the SUV, a dark-colored Nissan Pathfinder, as it crossed an intersection at 6:28 p.m. Saturday. A vendor pointed the SUV out to an officer about two minutes later.

The license plate found on the vehicle did not belong to the SUV; police said it came from a car found in a repair shop in Connecticut.

Duane Jackson, a 58-year-old handbag vendor from Buchanan, N.Y., said he noticed the car and wondered who had left it there in a no-standing zone.

Jackson said he looked in the car and saw keys in the ignition with 19 or 20 keys on a ring. He said he alerted a passing mounted police officer.

They were looking in the car "when the smoke started coming out and then we heard the little pop-pop-pop like firecrackers going out and that's when everybody scattered and ran back," he said.

"Now that I saw the propane tanks and the gasoline, what if that would have ignited?" Jackson said. "I'm less than 8 feet away from the car."

Times Square lies about four miles north of where terrorists bombed the World Trade Center in 1993, then destroyed it on Sept. 11, 2001.

Top federal law enforcement and intelligence officials — President Barack Obama's national security adviser James Jones, national intelligence director Dennis Blair, CIA chief Leon Panetta, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and Attorney General Eric Holder — planned to participate in a meeting later Sunday on the bomb.

The Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility in a video posted on the Internet on Sunday, according to the SITE Intelligence Group. SITE, a U.S.-based terrorist tracking organization, first uncovered the video on YouTube; it later appeared to have been removed from the website.

In a copy of the video provided by SITE, an unidentified voice speaking in Urdu, the primary language in Pakistan, says the group takes "full responsibility for the recent attack in the USA." The video does not mention any details about Saturday's attack.

The militant group said the attack was revenge for the death of its leader, Baitullah Mehsud, and the recent slaying of al-Qaida in Iraq leaders Abu Omar al-Baghdadi and Abu Ayyub al-Masri, who were killed by U.S. and Iraqi troops last month north of Baghdad. The video also mentioned Aafia Siddiqui, a 37-year-old Pakistani scientist who was convicted in a U.S. court in New York in February of trying to kill American service personnel after her arrest in Afghanistan in 2008.

If the claim is genuine, it would be the first time the Pakistani Taliban has struck outside of South Asia. It has no known global infrastructure like al-Qaida.

In at least one past instance, the Pakistani Taliban has claimed responsibility for an attack it played no role in. Mehsud reportedly said his men were behind a mass shooting in March 2009 at the American Civic Association in Binghamton, N.Y., in April 2009. That claim turned out to be false.

The last terror threat in New York came last fall when air shuttle driver Najibullah Zazi admitted to a foiled homemade bomb plot aimed at the city subway system.

The theater district in London was the target of a propane bomb attack in 2007. No one was injured when police discovered two Mercedes loaded with nails packed around canisters of propane and gasoline.
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-5-2 07:46 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2010-5-2 07:56 PM | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-5-2 08:32 PM | 显示全部楼层
not funny




回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-5-2 10:42 PM | 显示全部楼层
It could have exploded, just some luck and fortune that no one was hurt.  It showed that such threat could not be prevented at all.  It is only possible to try to reduce such risk.




回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-5-4 03:47 AM | 显示全部楼层
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