发表于 2009-9-25 10:24 PM
UPDATE 1-US draft bill puts credit raters on short leash
* Rep. Kanjorski bill would let SEC dictate rating methods
* Also takes aim at conflicts of interest
WASHINGTON, Sept 25 (Reuters) - U.S. securities regulators could dictate how credit rating agencies determine ratings, under a draft bill being circulated by Representative Paul Kanjorski, a senior Democratic lawmaker.
The Securities and Exchange Commission would be given the authority to write rules for the methodologies and procedures the credit agencies use to rate securities, the draft bill said.
Currently the SEC only has the authority ensure that credit agencies like Moody's Corp's (MCO.N), McGraw-Hill Cos' (MHP.N) Standard & Poor's, and Fimalac SA's (LBCP.PA) Fitch Ratings are following their own methodologies and procedures.
The draft bill also aims to address potential conflicts of interest at the rating agencies, which are often paid by the banks whose products they rate.
The SEC has already taken steps to rein in potential conflicts such as banning credit agency employees who help determine a rating from negotiating any fees.
The draft bill would require rating agencies to manage and disclose any conflicts of interest that can arise from their business.
Lawmakers and regulators are seeking to hold credit raters more accountable after they helped fuel the financial crisis by assigning top ratings to mortgage-backed securities that later crumbled in value. (Reporting by Rachelle Younglai; Editing by Tim Dobbyn)
http://www.reuters.com/article/m ... 743920090925?rpc=44 |