开在周五的range下面,可能,因此有不补空的可能性。老套套,都是周一暴跌,俺猜米金狂涨,等到拍卖完债券后又会米金狂跌,大盘狂涨,那些买债券的一次又一次的上当,不晓得咋想的。两点注意,一是老规矩,如果10:30am都不补空,且此有新低的话,那今天会是个strong down trend day。二呢,注意VIX,如果今天狂涨,NND,又是玩8/17的那一套,骗中国的傻差买债券呢,等卖完了,大盘又会暴涨。如果VIX今天没啥反映,那就要小心了,大家都太牛了。
Chart B: Liquidity Inflows and Outflows
Liquidity inflows are critical to the market's action. If indicators are weakening while Liquidity is flowing in, then the liquidity inflow will take precedence and hold the market up. Liquidity inflows had a slight up tick (hard to see on the chart) while in extreme high territory. This remains a very high reading, so we could see some unusually high volatility in the markets when profit taking starts to come into play.
Chart C: Institutional Accumulation/Distribution
The Institutional Investors were in Accumulation with the Buy/Sell spread decreasing. Institutional buying increased, and Institutional selling increased (since there was more selling than buying, the spread decreased). Note that Institutional Buying still has a Negative Divergence between the August peak and Friday.
*** Conclusion on the above charts A to C: Liquidity is still flowing in, so the run-up is still being fed. The major indexes are showing MACD negative divergences building which have been offset by very high short term RSI readings. Conditions are still net positive with the market entering a phase where it is notably overvalued and overbought.