连续6天高开,wow,介是新高,no idea要介么玩,应该会补吧?
Chart B: Liquidity Inflows and Outflows
Liquidity inflows are critical to the market's action. If indicators are weakening while Liquidity is flowing in, then the liquidity inflow will take precedence and hold the market up. Liquidity inflows had another up tick while in extreme high territory. This is still very high, so we could see some unusually high volatility in the markets when profit taking starts to come into play.
Chart C: Institutional Accumulation/Distribution
The Institutional Investors were in Accumulation with the Buy/Sell spread increasing. Institutional buying increased, and Institutional selling decreased. This is still a WARNING condition, because Institutional Investors have their buying in a down trend with lower/highs and lower/lows and their selling is in an up trend. Institutional Investors are very smart ... how many times have we seen them take the buying and selling lines to equal (just touching each other), and then whipsaw Accumulation back up faking everyone out? So, this is a cautionary warning where we need to watch what they do carefully.
*** Conclusion on above charts: Conditions are still net positive but showing a duress condition. Also, the major indexes are showing MACD negative divergences building which have been increasing risks levels.