Chart A: Daily Volume trending on the SPY
Some of the Institutional investors were concerned about the dropping volume as the market rallied. This first chart below, show's the SPY and its volume with a 14 day simple moving average. During this bear market, there were 6 occasions where the volume's 14 SMA moved down and then broke a resistance line to the upside. On all 6 occasions, the SPY went lower afterwards.
Today: For the past few weeks, the SPY's Volume has been ABOVE its resistance line (a caution) ... but note that was not rising or falling, but going sideways. (The SPY's Volume was NOT shooting up like past instances and is meandering sideways. This was not the same profile of the past conditions yet.) Yesterday, the NYA Down Volume was above its blue resistance line for the fourth day, so this is an "under duress" Caution condition. Also, the SPY's Volume started to move higher but not aggressively. This is a short term down condition right now
Chart B: Liquidity Inflows and Outflows
Liquidity inflows are critical to the market's action. If indicators are weakening while Liquidity is flowing in, then the liquidity inflow will take precedence and hold the market up. Liquidity inflows had an up tick while in extreme high territory. This is still very high, so we could see some unusually high volatility in the markets.
Chart C: Institutional Accumulation/Distribution
The Institutional Investors were in Accumulation with the Buy/Sell spread increasing slightly. Institutional buying increased, and Institutional selling decreased. This is now a WARNING condition, because Institutional Investors have their buying in a down trend with lower/highs and lower/lows. Institutional Investors are very smart ... how many times have we seen them take the buying and selling lines to equal (just touching each other), and then whipsaw Accumulation back up faking everyone out? So, this is a cautionary warning where we need to watch what they do carefully.
*** Conclusion on above charts: Conditions are still net positive but showing considerable deterioration. Also, the major indexes are showing MACD negative divergences building which have been increasing risks levels.