发表于 2009-9-4 11:41 PM
1# 秋之皓月
Recently there are so many commercials on radio and TV ask the public to buy gold, remind me of the peak of the house bubble, and the oil peak.
"Gold outperform the stock market" <-> "House outperform the stock market"
"Gold will not loss value" <-> "House price never go down"
"Gold production decrease" <-> "They don't make new land anymore", "Peak oil"
"Chinese is buying more gold" <->"Chinese is buying more oil"
If the people made the commercials really think gold price will continue increase why do they spend money ask the public to get in, out of good of heart? I think a lot big institution try to get out at current high price. My prediction: Once the public take over gold from the dealers, institutions... gold price will crash! Big time! |