Market behaved differently this time, so be careful.
3 charts to watch if further evidences are needed to confirm the down trend has started.
Several interesting charts to watch.
最近的pattern:“Down 2 days in a rown then rebounded to a new high”,今天破了,market did behave differently this time,因此要小心了。
0.0.3 SPX Intermediate-term Trading Signals,由于MACD and NYSI都出了sell signal,因此俺今天downgrade the intermediate-term to down from up。由于图上的negative divergence比较多,因此有理由相信这次的sell signal还是有一定的可靠度的。
那,还不放心,还是需要further confirm的,咋办?可以注意三个地方:
2.8.0 SPX:CPCE,俺的call top号称100%准确地indicator,今天trendline破了,明天如果能hold这根trendline的话,那很大可能market top了。
2.0.0 Volatility Index (Daily),大棒棒看起来很bullish,Pattern上看,如果明天VIX down big,那熊熊就要小心了,可能重复8月17号,market此后连涨4天创了new high。
0.0.3 SPX Intermediate-term Trading Signals,见上面的图,俺用较大的红字标出来了,SPX 978如果破了,那pattern上就confirm trend down了。
顺便说,TA是可以confirm再confirm的,每一次confirm则risk就小一成,但是同时reward也会小一成,confirm到一定的程度,如果觉得risk reward够了,就应该take action。而俺的报告,由于不是paid service,所以是不会明确说该在啥时候take action的,俺只会confirm再confirm,这个要注意了。
几个interesting charts for your info only:
1.1.4 Nasdaq 100 Index Intermediate-term Trading Signals,正好在support上。
7.1.3 Major Accumulation/Distribution Days,今天是第一个Major Distribution Day,这意味着还会有第二个Major Distribution Day。
7.7.9 Russell 3000 Dominant Price-Volume Relationships,周一和周二的下跌都是price down volume up,很可能是说下跌才刚刚开始。
3.0.3 20 Year Treasury Bond Fund iShares (TLT Daily),这个是要问大家的问题,Why was TIP down huge today?Deflation coming?