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[转贴] 中国人不能不知:毛时代的中国发展概况 (ZT)

发表于 2009-8-2 08:20 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

先看一下1949年时的情况:“东亚病夫”的中国已落后于西方两百多年,千疮百孔,一穷二白(连洋火,洋钉,洋皂都要从外国进口) 。且仍然处在"战争状态",经历了朝鲜战争(援朝中国付出了50亿美元)、越南战争(援越抗美200亿美元)、印度战争、中苏边界大军压境抵御战争及中越西沙海战 (其中还曾5次遭受核打击威胁)、和东南沿海反美蒋入侵,国际的全面经济封锁禁运和外交孤立政策。国民党留在大陆上的土匪有200万,伪军汉奸的数量大约是118.6万人,特务120万。还有众多地主恶霸、黑帮头子、地痞流氓惯盗、盗窃分子的破坏,人均资产仅10元。
然而, 毛泽东却依靠自力更生,就以世界历史上极其罕见的,发达国家望尘莫及的国内生产总值年均递增9.8%速度,中国经济与美国相比由1949年相差28倍变为1978年的相差5.52倍,事实上1949-1976年,中国GDP从世界第8变成第6,(而2005年是第7)。成为世界第六工业大国、第三军事大国、第十八科技强国。逐步建立了独立的比较完整的工业体系和国民经济体系。




正如美国国务卿基辛格所说“中国以世界上6个最大工业国之一的姿态出现了”。 因此,"我们尽管犯过一些错误,但我们还是在三十年间取得了旧中国几百年、几千年所没有取得过的进步。"(邓小平79年3月30日在党的理论工作务虚会上的讲话)。


(1) 毛逝世时, 即无内外债,又无通货膨胀,国库里留下了5000亿斤粮(1978至1980年让全国人民吃了三年陈米),500多万吨棉花, 20多亿美元, 1974年,陈云向李先念建议,购进了600吨黄金等,支援国外200多亿美元,这些实物就相当于现在几万亿(反毛者说经济快崩溃了?);

(2) 遍布全国的无数水利工程;人口平均寿命由35岁增加到65岁,婴儿成活率从20%上升到70%;

(3) 建立了数千所大专院校、各类中专基础教育体系(建国前夕,全国仅有普通高校205所,在校生仅有117000人),识字率从20%上升到80%, 新中国的四次扫盲高潮, 1亿多人摘除了文盲的帽子(2002年我国文盲约8507万,其中2000万左右为15~50岁的青壮年文盲,文盲总数超过世界总数的10%,仅次于印度,居全球第二, 教育投入却排名世界到数第三),在校学生增长8.4倍,小学在校人数达到了创记录的1.5亿,入学率达到了97。3%。普通中学在校人数1977年达到了创记录的6780万人,而1977年之后到1982年仅中等学校在校生已经减少了2000多万 ;

(4) 与我国建交的国家从七十年代初的五十几个猛增至七十年代中期的一百一十几个国家,恢复了在联合国的合法席位,种下了一棵为子孙后代遮风档雨的外交大树;

(5) 毛时代只用十年时间就成功发原子弹、氢弹、人造卫星、导弹、核潜艇(如果没有毛、周当年在非常困难条件下搞成的原子弹、氢弹,我们就没有今天这样的安全局面,恐怕早就挨打了)、杂交水稻、大型喷气客机、铁路机车、现代海船、微电子、卫星回收、计算机(已经起步的歼十、大型喷气客机,80年被迫下马,天真地幻想和波音公司合作,结果波音公司1997年放弃了和中国的合作)、高性能航空发动机,大规模集成计算机研制成功、CPU、"汉字激光照排"、"复方蒿甲醚"、人工合成结晶胰岛素、神5载人宇宙飞船还是70年代的技术、蚕式导弹世界闻名、建成下水的高科技"远望号"系列船其技术高度至今难以逾越、1970年下水的导弹驱逐舰其制海能力在世界上首屈一指等领域,创造了无数第一(当然,为了工业化,也牺牲了一代人的消费和健康, 但这是为了使后人不再如此受苦)。

现代技术几乎为零到接近世界先进水平,工业和科技成就超过了中国以往几千年的总和,当时国内外公认,我国科学技术的整体水平比世界先进水平仅落后10--20年,也就是说,新中国仅用了26年时间就走过西方国家100到300来年的科技发展道路。科技成就更是远远超过改革开放的26年(转:中国科技报,80年,瑞士洛桑局的统计数字,我国当时的科技竞争力第13, 2005年却降到第31。世界经济论坛公布05年全球竞争力排名中国第49 );


(6) 毛时代没有假文凭、假学历、假干部、假警察、假军人、假外商、假成果、假广告、伪劣商品,没有黄赌毒、消除了拐卖妇女儿童;

(7) 公务人员普遍的廉洁奉公,被国际组织评为最廉洁,称强于世界;

(8) 毛时代占压倒性优势的浩然正气盈贯国家上下,老百姓扬眉吐气,邪恶奸诈之流惶惶如丧家之犬。毛时代秩序优良,几乎无贪无赌无杀掳掠绑,被他杀自杀枪决的不到1万人,文革十年全国武斗有案可查的也仅死几百人(有不同意见的,请拿出可靠的数据资料 。84年邓在全国狠抓了一次文革打砸抢3种人, 查了一年,查出来仅几千人犯了案. )。

从事统计的前辈人说,毛时代的经济增长还有一块从未被计入GDP。例:2万多公里的铁路因多建在地形复杂的地区,最著名的要数桥隧占30以上的成昆铁路。但当时铁路建设是由劳动力零成本的铁道兵完成,当时仅计入几十亿元,按如今计算需要万亿。世界第八大奇迹河南8000多公里的红旗渠,当时林县人只投入了7000万, 如今,没有几百亿投资是下不来的。

还有毛时代没有计算经济成本的上千亿个义务工, 从人拉肩扛手抬开始建成水库84000座,堤坝沟河17万公里,其中江堤1万公里,打机井210万眼,再加上大规模修梯田、平整土地,使全国灌溉面积从建国初期低标准的三亿亩增加到七亿亩;建国前的易涝农田3.6亿亩有2.7亿亩得到初步治理,公路增加了76万公里,相当于几百个三峡水库的农田水利建设几万个水库等都是没计入GDP的,按如今统计方法来计算至少增加了5万亿GDP,那么,毛时代的GDP又要增长几个百分点。

发表于 2009-8-2 08:37 PM | 显示全部楼层
So what? If people don't have food and basic living stuff, what is the GDP for. Mao is a joke.
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2009-8-2 08:52 PM | 显示全部楼层
So what? If people don't have food and basic living stuff, what is the GDP for. Mao is a joke.
walkingfish 发表于 2009-8-2 21:37

For security, for opportunity, for dignity.
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发表于 2009-8-2 09:08 PM | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-8-2 09:09 PM | 显示全部楼层
For security, for opportunity, for dignity.
墨虎 发表于 2009-8-2 21:52

well said
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2009-8-2 09:16 PM | 显示全部楼层
不可否认,毛是中国最杰出的领袖之一, 但是也有遗憾,就是优良的人文传统也丢掉了,百花齐放,百家争鸣终于没有成为现实.
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2009-8-2 09:58 PM | 显示全部楼层
毛时代最牛逼得 1。两弹一星 2。有陈云。


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发表于 2009-8-2 10:44 PM | 显示全部楼层
2# walkingfish

No offense.  Please read and understand the history before making any judgements.  Thank you.
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2009-8-3 06:29 AM | 显示全部楼层
I believe with all the diligence of Chinese, without Mao, we still can build the industrial facility with such a high savings to consumption ratio. I dont' understand when ppl don't have enough personal material/food, what kind diginity could you have? Do you think the dress ppl have back then is very funny?

If you are looking for such thing, there is one place you still can enjoy -- North Korean. A leader who does not care about its own ppl can no be  good one.
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2009-8-3 03:55 PM | 显示全部楼层
I believe with all the diligence of Chinese, without Mao, we still can build the industrial facility with such a high savings to consumption ratio. I dont' understand when ppl don't have enough person ...
walkingfish 发表于 2009-8-3 07:29

You might have a point.  But look deeper, did the ppl during the 1800s' to early 1900s' have the diligence? If they did, then why the country was so weak, being chaotic, and ruined for so long? If they did have diligence, then how come they did not have industrial bases? Could the diligence be the key to solve all the problems? With respect, have you heard that ppl called China a "plate of sand" in the past (I may not translate it correctly but you get the point).  Again, no offense, when you have a discussion, please don't use insulting word like "is a joke".  It does not add to your argument.  Please lay out reasons to support your views.  Thanks and regards.
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2009-8-4 01:43 AM | 显示全部楼层
1# lucky99

What this article fails to recognise is what China achieved despite what Mao had done. If it weren't for him and his disastrous policies from late 50's to 70's, China would have already entered first World. If you want a proper industrialisation comparison for the same comparable period, look at Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Taiwan for the same period. If you want a proper industrialisation comparison for the speed and width, look at the U.S. Look at how the U.S. industrialised from agrarian society. How is that for a comparison? There was no road, no bridges, no infrastructure to speak of and look far the U.S. had progressed over 200 years. Only most blind Mao apologist can come up such idea that Mao had industrialised China.
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2009-8-4 11:09 AM | 显示全部楼层
11# csw2002

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发表于 2009-8-5 01:17 PM | 显示全部楼层
12# 卜丁


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发表于 2009-8-5 01:55 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 ByStander 于 2009-8-5 14:56 编辑
先看一下1949年时的情况:“东亚病夫”的中国已落后于西方两百多年,千疮百孔,一穷二白(连洋火,洋钉,洋皂都要从外国进口) 。且仍然处在"战争状态",经历了朝鲜战争(援朝中国付出了50亿美元)、越南战争(援越抗美20 ...
lucky99 发表于 2009-8-2 21:20

建议喜欢毛时代的人移民北朝鲜. 我们那个时候(就是毛时代)都认为北朝鲜比中国好.现在肯定更好了. 八十年代北朝鲜就宣布1993年建成共产主义.消息传来大家都很兴奋--哇,想不到有生之年还能看到共产主义实现
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2009-8-5 02:51 PM | 显示全部楼层
That's because nobody can slave his own people since 1949. Do you agree that ppl worked as slaver from 1949 to 1980? With minimum payment, they have to work a lot. Before Mao, even the so called " Di Zhu Lao Cai" did not dare to treat their workers in way. Also, China had all kinds war for almost 80 years and no chance for a peaceful development. When you look beyond that period, the developmend and production of China was on top of the world. You can not use this to credit Mao. Even, a lot of the new China farmers like the so called "old society". Could you explain that?  Mao then used the most distructive method to take away ppl's asset, which did not happen in China before. He cheated most of Chinese in a "good" way.

Also, Do you agree that Mao is a "Tai Jian" to his big brother - Soviet. Please stop putting him on such a high stand. I believe, he made a wrong decision to leave his "long living body" behind. You can imagine what will happend to it later on.

Again, if you like your named diginity, you can go to North Korean to enjoy it instead sitting here dreaming by yourself. Jim is even braver than Mao.

10# snowball2009
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发表于 2009-8-5 06:23 PM | 显示全部楼层
great article
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2009-8-6 09:52 AM | 显示全部楼层
15# walkingfish

"Do you agree that Mao is a "Tai Jian" to his big brother – Soviet"
Really? Do you know there was a war between China and Soviet in 1960s'? It was called war of "Zheng Bao Dao".  If you don't, please do some research, you will find it.

"When you look beyond that period, the developmend and production of China was on top of the world. "
Hamm... didn't know that and hope that was true.  But I remember in those "good old days" ppl called cigarettes "yang yan", umbaralla "yang shan", and a lot of thing "yang" this and "yang" that.  Wondering why?  Do you know in those old days, there was a sign in front of one of the parks in Shanghai saying Chinese and dogs not allowed.

"China had all kinds war for almost 80 years and no chance for a peaceful development."
Wondering why that happened also? Would you shed some light on this?
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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