发信人: pinball (pinball), 信区: Stock
标 题: 1/3 Americans will face foreclosure this winter
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jun 17 15:48:00 2009, 北京)
Full article is on
Thanks for the guy who post the link http://optionarmageddon.ml-implo ... ing-has-only-begun/ on this board that I can read such a wonderful chart.
I have posted my first article there, thus calling spx 600- this winter or
next spring. Don't laugh at me, I am serious.
btw: don't let this article affect your decision on tomorrow's trading, even
for next week. In this time scale, TA is more helpful.
But we should know, what is really going on fundamentally.
btw again: if anyone willing to help me to post this on hutong9.com. |