发表于 2009-6-14 11:37 AM
Wow, interesting.
The unemployment at the end of 1930 was 8.7%. And in 1931, it was only 10+%. During the 1930s, unemployment was 25%. In the early part of 1930, stock market recovered about 2/3 of its free fall in 1929. "In 1929, the dumb investors lost money. In 1930, the smart investors lost money and 1931, the smarter investors lost money. In 1932, the smartest investors lost money."
Now we saw the similarities in the movement on unemployment rates and CPI and interest rates to that period. The history is likely to repeat.
Why it is too early to call a bull market?
The GOVT said the free fall is stopped, many economist said the same thing and many of us believed it. So, the worst is over, "officially". The next question is are we still in a recession? My notion is 100%. Being through a few recessions, this one looks different and feels different. Initially, we are all afraid of a complete collapse and now many are talking about a V or U recovery. So, what is driving all this assumption of recovery? Green shoots, money printing, and bear market rally? I want to point a few things out that almost no one will tell you.
History does not repeat itself exactly, but history can allow us to go back and draw similar conclusions. The media and GOVT want you to know that this is not a repeat of the Great Depression. During the 1930s, unemployment was 25% and now it is only 9.4%. Fine, who can tell me what is the unemployment at the end of 1930? It was 8.7%. Yes, 8.7% and even in 1931, it was only 10+%. Now, with all the federal stimulus and Big Ben's free money, we sure have avoided the fee fall. It is unprecedented, I will give them that credit. Interest at 0% from 3%. Everything seems to be working to avoid a deflationary scenario. To look at deflation, we want to look at CPI. Any one can tell me the pecentage drop of CPI in June 1930 compared to the high before the crash? It was 2.9% and the current drop form the high is 3.1% (April 2009 vs July 2008). You can see now why we need to pop up the oil price to make the CPI look better in the coming months. There are other comparisons about the global economy with 1930s, eveything so far suggest the current downturn is worse than the Great Depression I. Are we going to see a Great Drepression II? Let's pray!
The why some of the current economy indicator is showing signs of "recovery"? One thing everyone should know is these indicators fluctuate and cannot go all the way down. If you research yourself, during there was a period that same thing which was confusing economy indicators fooled investors happened. You guessed it right, the early part of 1930 where stock market recovered about 2/3 of its free fall in 1929. Now, I here quote some one (I forgot where I saw it), "In 1929, the dumb investors lost money. In 1930, the smart investors lost money and 1931, the smarter investors lost money. In 1932, the smartest investors lost money."
I remember one post in HT said, all the bulls lost money in 2008 and many bears lost money in 2009. You should now, many bears are in general smarter than most of the bulls. My investing and trading strategies now is hold most of your money in cash or gold. Have money that will support you for 2 years without other income. Invest or trade only 20% your money but don't do stupid things like all in or use margin. You never know what tomorrow is. So, I have turned into a bear since May 2008, remained a bear and will be a bear for the next few years unless something really convincing shows up.
老九 发表于 2009-6-14 09:47  |