October expiry..
UNG may go very close to zero because every roll-over the value is down. And eventually you settle to very low natural gas price before winter time. Natural gas is a good buy. But don't be stupid to buy this summer.
When I bot USO this January/Feburary, a lot of so-called "HH" said Contango and Lack of Storage Space will push OIL below $30 and stay at $30 for a while........................
Right now what is OIL price now?
You need to buy OIL in winter for Summer Run...................
Today, You need to buy GAS in summer for Winter Run.............
October expiry..
UNG may go very close to zero because every roll-over the value is down. And eventually you settle to very low natural gas price before winter time. Natural gas is a good buy. But do ...
bluecloser 发表于 2009-5-29 18:26
Oil is a completely differently story. It is a much more storable product. you would be able to direct your imports to other parts of the world. natural gas is a dead meat with no hope to rebalance this year.
October expiry..
UNG may go very close to zero because every roll-over the value is down. And eventually you settle to very low natural gas price before winter time. Natural gas is a good buy. But do ...
bluecloser 发表于 2009-5-29 18:26
刚查了一下,UNG OCT 5.0 PUT 5/29/2009 是 0 - 0。05。今天的价还是0 -- 0。05。不明白您是怎么赚的钱