潜水上来冒个泡。胡同邻居喜欢猜大盘,买ultra/short ETF.
next month will repeat what we have seen in the last 2 weeks, it won't be a trendy market, it will be a pig market at best with possible wild nodirectional swing up and down, it will be hell for ultra index ETF but it will be the heaven for stock picking. Do your DD and Make some momo picks for DT/ST, and just ignore the day to day market fluctuation, at the end of May you will be much better off.
未来的一个月里,不管是熊是牛,如果您老人家到现在还揪着头发琢磨着大盘是向上还是向下, 成天重仓 ultra/short index ETF, 一个月后回头看,你的账户重则被MM两面抽的鲜血淋漓,轻则两手空空。