发表于 2009-5-1 02:30 PM
去年年底连how to hedge都不知道的人,口气倒是比老秋还牛,呵呵。
Posted by forex-forex on 11-26-08 07:06 AM:
Re: Dollar Hedge
Quote from gdtrader:
Say I wanted to hedge against a decline in the dollar what would be the cheapest way to do it with lots of leverage?? Say for example I wanted to hedge 1mm of todays dollars?? How much would such a transaction cost to hedge and how would I do it??
Hedge against what? You need a 2nd asset. What is your time frame? To hedge $1,000,000 USD against the Canadian Dollar (CAD) Buy 13 contracts CAD futures. With IB the margin required is about $57,915.
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