It may be the event that turn this market around. I know it's not significant at this moment. But that's typically how market works. It will give bulls a surprise.
non sense. even 911 did not bring down the market right away. the market needs pull back. with or without seine flu. but not today. many guys short or put at the end of friday. They need to be kick out before the dropping. today open low and go higher will be perfect to lure bull and disappoint bear. let's see.
Not really. Bulls are really tough. I'm surprised by their resiliance. I will be happy to take a down day no matter the size. right now I'm not even sure whether bulls is satisfied with a small loss today. They are trying very hard for a green day.
Nasdaq is about to hit it's daily 200MA 1766, closed 1679 today. QQQQ is 20c away from it.
SPX and Djia are still a little bit far from 200MA. but it's still possible that the three meet there before big correction.