发表于 2009-4-12 09:41 PM
FACTS Vs Hopes
No doubt that stock market is a never ending imbalance of greed vs fear but facts can clear out what corner you should choose short term and long term. Let's go over some stuff:
Does anyone remember that during the 2000 dot.com stock bust, most companies didn't have any real net income but their valuation were based on "web page visits" and new visitors etc. Do you know why this was accepted and ALL THE ANALYSTS (including Cramer) were fully behind it? because back then it was often said ..."we are looking ahead at a year or so when they turn a profit" and/or "Stock prices are always a year ahead of their real cash flow". Well that cash flow never came dit it? and trillion of dollars of wealth of average folks were wiped out.
During 1930 stock market crash the stocks actually had FOUR 30% plus rebounds and at each rebound it was "looking forward and ahead 6 months" while the FUNDAMENTALS - (FACTS not BS by shorts or longs) were deteriorating. Well... it all came crashing down didn't it?
Now, for the first time ever these giant banks and investment firms wrote #338 Trillion dollars worth of Default Swap contracts and hundreds of billions in Derivates - which all of these insurance and financial papers are BACKED BY REAL ASSESTS such as commerical, industrical, agricultural, Mortgages etc. As the value of these assets came down - IN LINE withe the slowing economy and GDP - The losses on these papers crushed AIG, Lehman, Stearns, Merryl and many whole economies all across the globe. NOW LET'S DO THE MATH:
1) FED says that the unemployment will surpass 10%
2) FED says that the economy will slow down further
3) Housing prices will continue to contract once we're out of the high season.
4) Foreclosures are setting a new record every month
5) Defense spending cut backs will lay off tens of thousands of folks
6) GM and Chrysler bankruptcies will lay off tens of thousands of workers
7) Credit card default rates are at 30 year highs
8) Revolving credit are contracting at record rate
9) Commercial and business loan defaults are rising dramatically
10) Federal deficit and treasury deficit is beyond any comprehension and rising.
11) Personal savings are at all time low
12) Destruction of wealth has been the highest since the great depression.
13) New construction is at all time low along with new home sales.
14) U.S. Exports are near historical lows
15) Auto sales are 40% lower than last years record low... 40% !!!
All of the above are FACTS for 6 months from now. So if the current rally is forward looking what the hell am I, Whitney, and Oppenheimer is missing????
I have heard that retail has improved.. REALLY?? Walmart sales missed; JC penny same stores are down. Bed & Bath, Best Buy, Restaurant Groups, Blackberry, and other retailers reported better results because their competition like Circuit City etc were wiped out.
Wholesale Inventories are down... really?? they are not down because consumers are buying but because entire factory shifts have been laid off... they can't possibly produce any less.
Wells Fargo had ok earnings (we'll see the whole picture later) but they don't have anywhere near the expore of CITI and BofA to derivates and Credit Default Swaps and the above 15 FACTS (which are shared by Whitney and Openheimer) is PROOF POSITIVE FACT - NOT AN OPINION that the core value of assets that derivates and Default Swaps that are based on will come down further causing HUGE losses and write offs. YOU DON"T THINK FED KNOWS THIS?? then why they are trying to give Fed and treasury mutual power to take over multi dimensional banks/firms such as AIG and CITI? because FDIC has no jurisdiction but they know if the values drop another 7% CITI and AIG are toast and BofA's exposure to these swaps are just as lethal as others. |