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钢铁人装好威 真人版不是梦

发表于 2013-5-26 08:26 AM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

【中央社╱台北25日电】 2013.05.26 11:36 am


英国「每日邮报」(Daily Mail)报导,这套名为RL Mark VI的服装让人联想到电影「钢铁人」(IronMan)中主角东尼.史塔克(Tony Stark)的钢铁人强殖装甲,并附有扩增实境高科技护目镜和强力手套,而且还是以商业太空装制作而成。

这是总部位于巴尔的摩的太空公司Solar System Express与生医设计公司Juxtopia共同进行的计画,2家公司希望在2016年前推出生产样版。




Juxtopia打造的扩增实境护目镜则类似谷歌眼镜,透过全球定位系统与美国联邦航空总署(Federal Aviation Administration)的雷达讯息,提供使用者高度、加速率、地点及跳落时的轨迹数据信息。

Solar System Express计画2016年7月前,在高空对跳落方式进行全面测试。

An artist's impression of how a 'space diver' could look. Teams from Solar System Express and Juxtopia in Baltimore have developed a suit that could be used for space diving. It has been designed to be fitted with 'rocket boots' meaning the diver could jump from his spaceship in low Earth orbit and land without the need of a parachute. The designs are based on how Tony Stark lands and flies in the Iron Man films and a production model could be available as soon as 2016

The real-life Iron Man suit. This yellow prototype has been developed by Baltimore-based Space Solar Express Chief Technology Officer Blaze Sanders, pictured. Its made from a commercial space suit. It will be fitted with 'rocket boots' and tested at altitude by July 2016

Designs showing what the 'rocket boots on the RL MARK VI could look like'. They will be fitted with small aerospike propulsion engines that will let the diver glide, move and land on his feet without the need for a parachute

In a video produced by Solar System Express and Juxtopia, the teams demonstrate how their space diving suit would look. The space diving video shows an astronaut jumping from a spaceship and flying to Earth before landing using rocket boots

The 'Iron Man' suit will be fitted with hi-tech augmented reality goggles designed by Juxtopia. They can give the diver information about altitude, elevation, acceleration rates, location - using GPS and FAA radar information - and trajectory data during the jump. It can also show temperatures, heart rates, and warn the diver if there are any malfunctions that could stop him landing safely

The suit could be similar to the Iron Man suit worn in the hit series of films - and will even have a similar head-up display

The Iron Man suit as seen in the film series - which also has rocket boosters and allows Tony Stark to fly

发表于 2013-5-26 04:21 PM | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-5-26 05:51 PM | 显示全部楼层
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