发表于 2011-5-5 09:13 AM
再给几个自残病例,以下论文报道9个自挖眼睛的病例,3例和religious delusion有关,有的还是根据经文去行的:
General Hospital Psychiatry
Volume 17, Issue 3, May 1995, Pages 224-227
Severe ocular self-injury
Howard L. Field M.D., and Shimon Waldfogel M.D.
Wills Eye Hospital, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Case 3
A 27-year-old man lacerated his left globe through the closed lid with a plastic knife while he was a psychiatric hospital inpatient. His diagnosis was schizophrenia, chronic paranoid type. Upon admission he spoke in a rambling disjointed fashion. He was preoccupied with Jesus Christ, but the exact nature of his preoccupation was not noted in the record.
Case 4
A 24year-old man ruptured his right globe using his finger. He had become acutely psychotic for the second time in a year while at college. He had delusions of thought broadcasting and thought insertion. He stated that his act was symbolic of the suffering of the crucified Christ, but refused to elaborate.
Case 8
A 37-year-old man attempted digital self-enucleation of the left eye. He had become sexually aroused while looking at pictures of nude women and responded in a concrete manner to the injunction of Matthew 529. There was history of disorganized, psychotic behavior, drug and ethanol abuse, and head injury as a child. He had experienced conversion to fundamentalist Christian beliefs some years before. An MRI study of the brain revealed a left frontal lesion consistent with an old injury.