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[原创] 妙不可言“懒人投资法”,仅供手痒的短期投机者们用。

发表于 2013-2-3 12:10 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

本帖最后由 wsjboy 于 2013-3-10 04:36 PM 编辑

股市有风险,入市须谨慎! Your Money, Your Decision!

1)找一家可以免费帮你 reinvest dividend (DRIP) 的 brokerage 公司,一定要肯定包括小于1股也免费帮你 reinvest 的的才去。 因为有很多会说他们会帮你 reinvest whole share only,forget them!!!!因为大多数 dividend 都是小于1股,甚至远小于1股。我知道 Fidelity 会这样做。IB 绝对不帮你 reinvest even whole share。因为我现在就用这两家,正好配合得天衣无缝,相得益彰。

2)凡是我要交易有dividend stock,就去Fidelity,买卖照常,像一个短期交易者。但是每次”winner“都留下10-20%的股票不卖。基本永远不看她了。让她给你挣 dividend 和 增长。

3)开始你一定很不习惯,看着这些小仓位嫌麻烦。有时dividend就几毛钱。心里恨不得马上请她们滚蛋。但是卖又不合算,因为 fidelity 交易费比较高。哈,这就是我的方法妙不可言的地方,您就有了真正的小三,小四,小五,。。。,小N,。。。您必须和她们白头到老。。。




I.    如何不分散您短期投机的注意力,基本不看您的小三小四队伍?
II.   税务和会计方面的一些考虑
III. 如果您改变主意了,怎样可以不白头到老了? (How to divorce your 小三或者小四 for free?)
IV.  如果您太喜欢某位小三小四,怎样让他/她转正?(Make the stock a big long term position)
1) 这个方法,我已经用了几年了,才敢向大家介绍
2)如果大家跟踪了我在”胡一刀club“的《《青蛙抄个股》》系列贴,就会知道,我是非常短期的 Swing Trader.
Enough said!
方法到文章,100% 原创,今天第一次发表,哈!




发表于 2013-2-3 04:23 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-3 10:43 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 wsjboy 于 2013-2-8 03:05 AM 编辑

A. 那您数学肯定有问题。do you understand exponential increase concept? 您懂不懂指数型增长? 我去找个曲线给您看吧。。。等一下

指数曲线 和 指数曲线的特点:




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 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-3 10:46 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 wsjboy 于 2013-2-8 03:06 AM 编辑

A. 当然有可能,但是有什么关系呢?大部分有分红的公司是好的,增长的是绝大多数。 而且小仓位,少数小量损失根本可以忽略不计。
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-3 10:50 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 wsjboy 于 2013-2-8 03:34 AM 编辑

A. 差别太大了,不想解释了,老是碰着数学不好的人。。。我实在不想到处上数学课。。。,已经上了一处了。。。看不懂就请不要用我的方法!数学是不可能一蹴而就的。

add an answer anyway!

A. Do you know $7.95 commission(Fidelity) is only ~0.1% of $8000 investment, but it is ~4% of $200 investment?

How many months and how hard does your $200 investment need to work to recoup that $7.95 commission?

This is almost exact the same problem with load and no-load mutual fund. Those so-called financial experts who try very hard to sell you the loaded mutual fund, and he/she will get the commission! He/she will tell you there is no difference, and the loaded fund might even do better. Please do NOT listen to them, period!!!! Thanks!
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-3 10:59 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 wsjboy 于 2013-2-15 06:31 PM 编辑

A.  不适合就请不要用我的方法。谢谢!

在欧洲,阁下的法子可以使吗? by 辣油
我们加拿大这边的如何操作? by 胡一刀
A.  Ask, does your brokerage firm have free DRIP - Dividend Re-Investment Plan, if NOT, then it cannot be used. Also, you need to check if they charge small position fee, if they do, this method is absolute useless.

I do know some US mutual funds do charge small position fee, not on stocks as far as I know.
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-3 11:25 PM | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-3 11:58 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 wsjboy 于 2013-2-8 05:15 PM 编辑

If you "每次都留下10-20%的股票不卖", your  短期交易 account will go to zero unless you can earn 10-20% every time. by 诗词欣赏
A. 您错了,因为你大部分短期交易都不是有分红的股票。。。

Is 10-20% important or significant? by someone
A.  No, not at all, you can use any relative small percentage you feel comfortable with, even you can keep only 2 share to make the DRIP still working. Add more shares when you trade this stock next time.

You need to have a position to make it accept dividends, to make it grow. Brokerage firm does not keep only fraction share for you, it will be liquidated! Also you need to make sure they do not charge small position fee.

I do know some US mutual funds do charge small position fee, not on stocks as far as I know.
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-4 12:06 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 wsjboy 于 2013-6-8 10:04 AM 编辑

Q. You still need to pay the tax on the dividends even though your reinvest all the dividends. so the net cashflow are negative until you sold all the positions. the net effect won't be increasing exponentially, bro.  by lite1067


第一,如果是普通账户,cost base会很乱吧?
第二,dividend reinvestment,短期根本没有作用,要很多年才有比较明显的效果,还不如不re-invest,改成每年一次的追加,其效果同dividend reinvestment,在数学上没有任何差异。by GnGSystem
您的第一个问题: 关于税务和会计问题,我会另写。所以暂时不回答这个问题。
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-4 12:15 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 wsjboy 于 2013-2-8 03:09 AM 编辑

每年5%,按月分红,复利,每年才5.116%,5年是28.34%,比25%多出3.34%。要10年,才是64.7%,比没有复利的5%,多出14.7%。当然,你说100年之后,复利的优势就明显了,所以IBOND之类的就事先说好,30年之后就不付利息了。capital gain是王道,分红必须靠自己。你举一个例子说明一下可以吗? 比如分红利率,10年如何成长? by GnGSystem
A. 不再回答 GnGSystem 的争论问题,大家如果认为 GnGSystem 是对的,请按 GnGSystem 的方法进行投资。

我并不在这里出售或者推销我的方法。只是提供一个我实践确实有效的方法给看得懂的短期投机者而已, 仅此而已, 而已...
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2013-2-4 12:17 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 wsjboy 于 2013-2-8 12:54 AM 编辑

wsjboy 发表于 2013-2-4 12:00 AM 关于税务问题,我会另写。所以暂时不回答这个问题。
原来我一直以为DRIP要和发dividend的公司设立,没想到现在还有Broker DRIP啊。老大的办法不错。多谢。
BrokerDRIP OfferedFractional Shares
E*TRADEYesYesRestrictions apply
eOptionYesNoAllMail, fax or email (with signature) a letter to eOption asking to apply dividend reinvestment to all or specific stocks
FidelityYesYesAll Fidelity claims they allow DRIP investment for all securities that pay dividends
FirstradeYesYesAll Firstrade claims they allow DRIP investment for all securities that pay dividends - request DRIP via online trading platform
Interactive BrokersNoN/AN/AInteractive Brokers does not offer DRIP investment
Just2TradeYesYesRestrictions applyTo be DRIP eligible, stocks have to have 1) daily trading volume greater than 50,000 shares 2) market value greater than $5 / share 3) traded on a major exchange (NYSE, AMEX, NASDAQ) and 4) DTC eligible. Request DRIP investment for all stocks or just specific ones by sending an email to Just2Trade
Merrill EdgeYesYesMostCall Merrill Edge to request individual securities for DRIP investment
OptionsHouseYesNoAllOptionsHouse claims they allow DRIP investment for all securities that pay dividends - email customer service to request DRIP
optionsXpressYesYesMostCall optionsXpress to activate
SchwabYesYesNot disclosedContact Schwab for specific securities eligible for DRIP investment
ScottradeNoN/AN/AScottrade does not offer DRIP investment
ShareBuilderYesYesAllFrom within the ShareBuilder website, select for which holdings you would like to initiate a DRIP
SogoTradeNoN/AN/ASogoTrade does not offer DRIP investment
TD AmeritradeYesYesNot disclosedContact TD Ameritrade for specific securities eligible for DRIP investment
TradeKingYesYesCertain restrictions applyEmail or call TradeKing to sign up for DRIP investing. All securities with an average volume of 50,000 shares or more traded daily and that are DTC eligible may be enrolled.
VanguardYesYesNot disclosedContact Vanguard for specific securities eligible for DRIP investment
Wells Fargo AdvisorsYesYesNot disclosedCall Wells Fargo Advisors to sign up
ZeccoYesNoNot specifiedEmail Zecco to sign up for DRIP investment and to find out if specific securities are DRIP eligible




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 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-4 12:34 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 wsjboy 于 2013-2-15 11:11 PM 编辑

原来我一直以为DRIP要和发dividend的公司设立,没想到现在还有Broker DRIP啊。老大的办法不错。多谢 ...by lite1067
A. 老大的资料很全,很强!为看得懂并准备用我的笨办法的 HTer 谢谢您!!!!

另外,zacco 已经被 tradeking 收购,tradeking 服务极差,我已经从 tradeking 那里逃出来了。 Just FYI

小建议:凡是 DRIP 有 “Restrictions” 的 brokerage firm 一概不要用,因为事情会变得很复杂,会把您的原计划打乱。。。

Please remember the KISS rule:
Keep It Simple,Stupid!!!!


老大经验多多!  发表于 2013-2-4 12:39 AM
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-4 01:04 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 wsjboy 于 2013-2-8 03:10 AM 编辑

首先,如果DRIP,这么好,人家为什么要免费提供给你? 对大客户,分红相当于发工资。
其次,复利同短期投机者半毛钱的关系都没有,数学上也只有对超长期的持股者有一些意义。文不对题啊。by GnGSystem
A. 欢迎唱反调,加油!   不过,您到底看懂了我说的东西和目的没有?
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-4 01:12 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 wsjboy 于 2013-2-8 03:15 AM 编辑

老大,你是用Fidelity的吧? 只能打电话去set up, right? by lite1067
A. 好像有个表可以填,不是自动的。我记不清了,可以打电话问,他们会指导您怎么做。

注意:如果您有不止一个 account 在 fidelity (比方说,IRA, ROTH), 要分别设。设了不通用。


ok. i will call.... thank you very much !  发表于 2013-2-4 01:14 AM
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-4 11:58 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 wsjboy 于 2013-2-8 03:39 AM 编辑

You can set up yourself on fidelity account.  I ussally remove the reinvest service when the stock price goes up a lot and put back the service when price drop to the level i feel comfortable to buy.  Last month I removed reinvest service from PFE. I do not like to buy this stock on current price level. (by kckaka )
You should NOT do that if you follow my method,(千万千万不要!!) because you would have too much work to do with your 小三小四队伍,totally defeat the purpose of my <<妙不可言“懒人投资法”>>.

You should do practically nothing with your 小三小四队伍, except enjoying their accomplishment after a long period, at most check them out only once a year.

This is NOT a suggestion to kckaka, since kckaka may have a totally different investing method.
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-4 12:14 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 wsjboy 于 2013-2-8 03:12 AM 编辑

请继续,很想知道你把它们装到那个香囊里?比如JNJ看着一点肥嘟嘟的很想把它们都吃肚里。但又想看看怎么鸡生蛋蛋生子。有时间多聊聊。by Newbull
A. 对不起,我觉得您并没有从数学上真正弄懂和被说服,那最好还是不要用我的方法。这个方法是一个保证不会“立竿见影”的方法,性急的也最好不用,除非您想用这个方法磨您的性子。

回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-4 03:01 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 wsjboy 于 2013-2-15 11:13 PM 编辑

的确是一个很妙的方法,也许只有在大熊市才会赔钱,但长期来说除非美国彻底垮了否则还是会回来,支持老大~  (by milan1126 )
A. You are wrong! Actually, in big bear market, this method even works better, because your usually same amount of dividend will buy more shares. When the market come back, you make more money.

dividend/share price = shares you bought
$4.00/$12.00 = 0.33 shares
$4.00/$11.00 = 0.364 shares

simple math! No kidding!
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2013-2-4 11:17 PM | 显示全部楼层

Dec 5, 2012        0.01 Dividend
Sep 5, 2012        0.01 Dividend
May 30, 2012        0.01 Dividend
Feb 29, 2012        0.01 Dividend
Nov 30, 2011        0.01 Dividend
Aug 31, 2011        0.01 Dividend
Jun 1, 2011        0.01 Dividend
Mar 2, 2011        0.01 Dividend
Dec 1, 2010        0.01 Dividend
Sep 1, 2010        0.01 Dividend
Jun 2, 2010        0.01 Dividend
Mar 3, 2010        0.01 Dividend
Dec 2, 2009        0.01 Dividend
Sep 2, 2009        0.01 Dividend
Jun 3, 2009        0.01 Dividend
Mar 4, 2009        0.01 Dividend
Dec 3, 2008        0.32 Dividend
Sep 3, 2008        0.64 Dividend
Jun 4, 2008        0.64 Dividend
Mar 5, 2008        0.64 Dividend
Dec 5, 2007        0.64 Dividend
Sep 5, 2007        0.64 Dividend
May 30, 2007        0.56 Dividend
Feb 28, 2007        0.56 Dividend
Nov 29, 2006        0.56 Dividend
Aug 30, 2006        0.56 Dividend
May 31, 2006        0.50 Dividend
Mar 1, 2006        0.50 Dividend
Nov 30, 2005        0.50 Dividend
Aug 31, 2005        0.50 Dividend
Jun 1, 2005        0.45 Dividend
Mar 2, 2005        0.45 Dividend
Dec 1, 2004        0.45 Dividend
Sep 1, 2004        0.45 Dividend
Aug 30, 2004        2: 1 Stock Split
Jun 2, 2004        0.40 Dividend
Mar 3, 2004        0.40 Dividend
Dec 3, 2003        0.40 Dividend
Sep 3, 2003        0.40 Dividend
Jun 4, 2003        0.32 Dividend
Mar 5, 2003        0.32 Dividend
Dec 4, 2002        0.32 Dividend
Sep 4, 2002        0.30 Dividend
Jun 5, 2002        0.30 Dividend
Feb 27, 2002        0.30 Dividend
Dec 5, 2001        0.30 Dividend
Sep 5, 2001        0.28 Dividend
May 30, 2001        0.28 Dividend
Feb 28, 2001        0.28 Dividend
Nov 29, 2000        0.28 Dividend
Aug 30, 2000        0.25 Dividend
May 31, 2000        0.25 Dividend
Mar 1, 2000        0.25 Dividend
Dec 1, 1999        0.25 Dividend
Sep 1, 1999        0.225 Dividend
Jun 2, 1999        0.225 Dividend
Mar 3, 1999        0.225 Dividend
Dec 2, 1998        0.225 Dividend
Sep 2, 1998        0.19 Dividend
Jun 3, 1998        0.19 Dividend
Mar 4, 1998        0.19 Dividend
Dec 3, 1997        0.19 Dividend
Sep 3, 1997        0.165 Dividend
Jun 4, 1997        0.165 Dividend
Mar 5, 1997        0.165 Dividend
Feb 28, 1997        2: 1 Stock Split
Dec 4, 1996        0.165 Dividend
Sep 4, 1996        0.145 Dividend
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-5 03:40 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 wsjboy 于 2013-2-8 07:02 PM 编辑
GnGSystem 发表于 2013-2-5 12:17 AM

BAC? WOW, What a great deliberate selection for the purpose to scare people away from dividend stocks?

Attention Everyone else:
BAC: the lowest dividend rate  (only 0.3% anually) in dow 30. You can totally ignore it, count BAC as no dividend stock!

If you are not crazy enough, you should not put BAC into your 小三小四队伍!

大家看看吧, 您就知道是怎么回事了!!!!





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 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-5 10:20 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 wsjboy 于 2013-2-5 03:59 PM 编辑

25-Year Dividend Increasing Stocks

25-Year Dividend Increasing Stocks。 The following dividend stocks are a very select group, as they have been increasing their annual dividends every year for at least the past 25 years.
http://www.hutong9.net/home.php? ... o=blog&id=40395

If these stocks happened to be on your short trading list, no matter you are losing or gain on the trade, make sure you keep 10-20% shares not to sell.

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